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Become a one-time or sustaining donor. Pay here using your Card, Bank Account, Google Pay or CashApp.
Become a one-time or sustaining donor. Pay here using your Card, Bank Account, Google Pay or CashApp.
Support the People of Tigray
Support the People of Tigray
Haben Tigray Relief and Development Association is a nonprofit association established to support the people of Tigray affected by the war that started in November 2020.
Haben Tigray Relief and Development Association is a nonprofit association established to support the people of Tigray affected by the war that started in November 2020.
Our Vision is to become a strong and dependable partner towards Tigray‘s inevitable victory over the crisis.
Our Vision is to become a strong and dependable partner towards Tigray‘s inevitable victory over the crisis.
More than 500,000 civilians killed, many more injured
More than 500,000 civilians killed, many more injured
More than 2.2 million people displaced
More than 2.2 million people displaced
More than 2.3 million children impacted
More than 2.3 million children impacted
Pictures from Our Work in Tigray
Pictures from Our Work in Tigray
TIGRAY Virtues
TIGRAY Virtues
Generosity even when struggling,
Resilience under harsh challenges,
Aspiration for greatness.
Yearning for Peace.